Hey Guys!
It has been a while and a few more transitions within the ministry as a whole and our personal lives have taken place. The Medical Ships side of YWAM has expanded with another ship joining the fleet. The 'L'Astrolabe' now renamed the 'MV YWAM Liberty' was a French research ice breaking vessel before joining the fleet earlier this year, it even as a cargo hold and helicopter pad! One of my personal highlights was seeing her appear over the horison on her maiden voyage into PNG while standing on the Port of Alotau, Milne Bay. This is by far my favorite ship, she's loud, industrial and screams adventure. Currently she is serving up on New Britain Island.

Personally, our lives have taken another directional turn. After much prayer and thought we decided to return to Townsville after helping co-ordinate the start up of the YWAM Alotau Campus in Papua New Guinea. We are now staffing a Discipleship Training School with 52 students with varying ethnicities, backgrounds and cultures. A huge privilege; this 5 odd month school with be half lectures and half practical and teach people the principles of caring, connecting, serving and building on multiple fronts and situations. We are working with completly new people, new processes, responibilities, technologies and priorities but we are quite relaxed. Below is a picture of the school.

After the school we are not yet sure what we'll be doing, but no doubt it will be an adventure. As for now, our focus is here in Townsville, Australia. Thanks to everyone for journeying with us!